
How Long Will A Ps4 Last

The recent news surrounding Sony and its intention to shutter the PS3, PS Vita and PSP stores got me wondering about the PS4. We're approaching half-dozen months since the PS5 released, and while there are plenty of game'due south notwithstanding planned to release on the panel, it does feel like we're budgeted the end of its life.

Launched November 2014, the PlayStation four was Sony's try at making up for the shortcomings of the PlayStation3. The new panel was easier to develop for, had several groovy exclusives lined upward from the get go, and thanks to some terrible marketing from the team at Microsoft, Sony was able to launch the console with an immediate head commencement in sales.

It took less than iii years for PS4 to outsell the PS3, a console with a 10-twelvemonth life-cycle. In 2020, the PS4 and PS4 Pro was estimated to accept sold a combined 120 million units, making it the fourth about sold console of all time backside the Game Boy and Game Male child Colour. The PS4 and PS4 Pro are both fantastic consoles, hosting some of my favourite gaming experiences of all time.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an terminate, and while we aren't quite at that place nevertheless, it feels similar the writing is on the wall.

Cyberpunk 2077

The turning bespeak for me was watching the Digital Foundry footage of Cyberpunk 2077 running on the base PS4. Granted the game was poorly optimised and rushed out of the door, but it was clear that the PS4 just didn't have the power needed to run next-gen games at an adequate frame-charge per unit and resolution.

On the base PS4, Cyberpunk 2077 regularly dips beneath 20fps with added loading bug and asset streaming problems. Information technology'south clearly a game built for PC, which is why the console struggles and then much. Sony had such trivial confidence in the game that it offered customers a refund and removed it from the digital store. That was well-nigh iv months ago now and in that location has been no update on when it might return.

Cyberpunk 2077 DLC

click to enlarge

Cyberpunk 2077 Credit: CD Projekt Red

Cyberpunk 2077 highlighted what many of us are already aware of. The side by side generation of video games are pushing current and adjacent-gen hardware pretty hard, with technology like ray-tracing testing the limits of even the virtually powerful hardware on the market in some titles.

PS5 Exclusives

The PS4 and PS4 Pro should still last another year or 2, as we're still in the transitional phase between the two console generations. Every bit information technology stands, at that place are a number of titles scheduled to release on both consoles, including the likes of Resident Evil: Village, Outriders, and Far Weep 6. Sony was dandy to emphasise that it wouldn't simply stop supporting the PS4 and PS4 Pro consoles overnight, so we tin likely wait new releases for a little while longer.

Having said this, Sony's chief focus is still going to be on producing first-part experiences for the PS5. So while there may be a number of cross-gen titles, the real big hitters like God of War Ragnarok and Final Fantasy 14 will release exclusively on PS5. Pregnant the PS4 and PS4 Pro are going to miss out on some pretty pivotal gaming experiences over the next few years.

Read More: You could lose your PS4 games if your PS4'south internal clock dies.

Transitional Catamenia

In the run upward to the PS5's release, Senior Vice President, Hideaki Nishino discussed how long the transitional period would take. In the interview with Japanese website, AV Order, Nishino commented: "The current supposition is that the transition from PS4 to PS5 will have about 3 years"

Iii years sounds similar a long time, merely in terms of game development it isn't long at all. While the transition may last three years, it's likely that those 3 years will involve gradually winding PS4 evolution down, while focusing more on those exclusive PS5 titles.

Truthfully, 2021 is probable the terminal full year where we volition come across the PS4 and PS4 Pro supported past Sony and tertiary-party developers. The PS5 is already pushing the limits of gaming, so developers can merely continue to develop for both for a limited fourth dimension.

It isn't all doom and gloom

Watching the PS4 fade into obscurity over the next ii years is a fiddling sorry, only honestly, the PS4 and PS4 Pro will never truly die. Y'all only need to look at consoles like the Sega Megadrive and PS Vita, to realise that there are still independent developers out there passionate nigh developing on those platforms.


The PS4 has arguably been 1 of Sony'southward most successful consoles, and while it may exist on a downward slope, it's still got a few years left in information technology yet. It doesn't take much choice at the moment, as the PS5 is nonetheless incredibly difficult to get hold of.

Read More: How to hack a PS Vita.


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