
How To Make A Tumblr Bedroom

Anonymous said:
Hello! I was wondering if yous knew how to decorate a sleeping room with i wall with a floral pattern? I really similar this wallpaper with pink flowers but i dont know how to style my bedroom appropriately? Practice you have any tips?

I'd keep the rest of the room quite minimalistic and neutral as the wallpaper sounds quite busy. I'd take the room white and silvery with splashes of pink in a like shade to the wallpaper like possibly pink bedding with white fluffy pillows!

Anonymous said:
my room is very matchy matchy with the colors blue and dark-green. What colors can i use to tone downward and neutralize some of my room?

I'd get with grey and white!


C U T Due east ❤️ B E D R O O K S ❤️ H E R Due east!

smiggles221-deactivated20160412 said:
Hi, my bedchamber could apply some styling tips. Correct at present, my bedroom is a theme of purple, cream and white. Merely I don't similar that anymore so I'one thousand painting my room white. The only problem is near of my furniture is foam. I can't go out and purchase new article of furniture and I demand some help with how to make my room suit it and make it beautiful. Whatsoever ideas? Thanks for the help!

Can you repaint your furniture white? Otherwise I'd recommend going with a slightly fair shade or maybe magnolia equally the white walls will but make your furniture wait very yellow tbh!

Hello in that location! omg I feel like a noob considering I'm new to tumblr and I sent yous like 5 messages but I finally figured out how to ship you a moving picture. I have a really minor room and not a lot of furniture only enough to make it feel crowded, y'all know? My bed had been facing the same way for the by 4-5 years and I want a change. I accept a twin bed, corner desk and a chair. My room is pink and I really don't similar it. Do u have whatever suggestions with how to put my room or what color I could pigment my room?

Starting time I would paint it white or maybe a light pastel color if you prefer every bit it seems to be quite a dark room and white would definitely lighten it up whilst matching the carpet. Side by side, if you want to move your bed I'd put it in the centre of the wall in the second photo and get two nightstands, one either side, equally this definitely makes a room experience more mature and then only move your desk to where your bed is now. I'd take all the quotes down and maybe add together a large piece of artwork over your bed which volition instantly make your room seem less chaotic. Either get rid of anything (or store information technology away if you lot're non allowed) that you lot no longer use and try to proceed your room tidy. Possibly make clean up your desk-bound a little and get some new curtains and that'south information technology really! Expert luck!


✚ ✚ ✚ via @immyandindi on Instagram

beepboopbopmyass-blog said:
Hi, I have a super small room, I have a loft bed and it is i of those steel ones from IKEA, can you lot give me some tips on making it look prissy because it looks like actually ugly

Loft beds can look and then nice when decorated properly! I'd get lots of pillows and mayhap a fluffy throw blanket for your bed to make it look super cosy upwards at that place then you could wrap some fairy lights around your bed frame to add together a girly touch! Underneath yous can have whatever is practical for you (e.g. a dresser, a desk/vanity or a couch/chair). I'll also postal service some pictures of loft beds to assist inspire you lot!

flowingandgrowing said:
could you post pictures of a hippie-tumblr bedrooms? I demand inspo, mainly organization help.

I've had lots of questions almost this recently then I'll definitely me posting some soon!

How To Make A Tumblr Bedroom,


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